Dr. István Kucsera, MD
Specialist of Microbiology and Parasitology
Head of Department

István Kucsera graduated at the Medical Faculty of the Belgrade University in 1978. He worked as an MD at the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, and the Military Outpatient Department Divulje (Split) between 1979-1985. He specialized in Microbiology and Parasitology at the Institute for Microbiology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade in 1988. He worked as a parasitologist at the Department of Parasitology, Institute of Microbiology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade from 1988 to 2000.

He removed and since 2000, he has been working as a parasitologist at the Department of Parasitology, National Center for Epidemiology. His MD diploma and the diploma of specialization were nationalized at the University of Szeged.

He has been acting as the head of Department since 15th august 2007. 

  • He coordinates the diagnostic activity of the Department.
  • He is also responsible for the professional supervision of the activity of human parasitological laboratories in Hungary.
  • Besides these activities he takes part in the theoretical and practical education of specialists, candidates for specialist, medical doctors, laboratory assistants and nurses.
  • His main diagnostic responsibility is the direct detection of parasites.

He has presented the results of his scientific research in 50 publications and numerous lectures in Hungarian, English or Serbian.

He is a member of the Hungarian Society for Zoonosis, leading member of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists and Southeastern and Eastern European Parasitological Society (SEEEPS).

He is the expert of qualification of the National Accreditation Association in field of Medical Parasitology.